Top 5 Spring Nail Polishes

Let's firstly start by saying...WELCOME TO APRIL! How are we in April already? it just seems like yesterday it was Christmas and my birthday felt like ages away, but now, both my birthday and Christmas have flown by in the blink of an eye. So, now that we're well into Spring, I thought what better post to do than a Spring nail polish post. However, I haven't done a nail polish post for some time now and I'm not very good at describing nail polish, so bear with me (and the repetitiveness). 

The bright Spring colours are more than enough to get me back into wearing nail polish again, especially after a long Winter not wearing any at all. As a result, I thought I would share with you the colours that I think would be perfect for the Spring and Summer months.

- Jack Wills (it doesn't have a name, but its an iridescent sort of colour)
- Rimmel I Love Lasting Finish (060 Hot & Spicy)
- Nail Paint by Barry M (318 Peach Melba)

I have chosen these polishes, one because of the colours and two, because they're genuinely great quality polishes. Some polishes can be a bit hit and miss, they could be the same brand but different colours may chip or smudge very easily, while other colours are very durable and last for days without damage, these polishes after trying them out are great from the Spring and Summer months, they're either pastel or bright, both of which work very well especially during Spring. All these polishes are easy to apply, no more than 2 coats are needed and they all dry relatively fast. With a good top coat, all of them can last for up to a week, or maybe even 10 days depending on your everyday activities

- Ciate (Purple Sherbet) 
- Models Own (Coral Reef) 

I know that Coral Reef and Rimmel's 'Hot & Spicy' are pretty similar in colour, however I believe that 'Hot & Spicy' is slightly darker and 'Coral Reef' is slightly more pastel, but I think both colours would look great with a tan. Ciate's 'Purple Sherbet' is a lot more of a typical pastel shade and therefore makes it a great, stereotypical Spring nail polish. Again, both are great to apply, however Model's Own nail polish is more durable than Ciate's, although to be fair, 'Purple Sherbet' isn't that bad durability wise. Again, with a good top coat both polishes should last a considerable amount of time depending on your everyday activities. 

I hope you found this post somewhat useful, even if I am no good at describing nail polishes. Let me know what your favourite nail polishes are to wear over Spring and I may go out and try them! Have a nice day, and I will see you on Saturday :) 


I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.
