Model's Own 'Coral Reef'

If you know me well, you won't be surprised to hear that I HATE painting my finger nails! I'm rubbish at it, I smudge it and get it all over the place, and it annoys me when it starts to chip, however, a large part of me today wanted to paint my nails, and I opted for this bright orange colour, it made an appearance in my 'Top 5 Spring Nail Polishes' (the link for which I will leave HERE), I hose it because of how bright and colourful it is, I hear that the next few days in Britain will be hot and sunny, so why not prep my nails for the occasion? :)
I have worn this once before, but didn't wear it for long as I'm not allowed to wear nail polish at work! So I can give you some feedback in regards to it's durability etc, but not a tonne of info (sorry!).
P.S. I'm RUBBISH at painting my nails and, I know it sounds weird, I don't really like the shape of my nails full stop, so I didn't show you too much of it on the actual nail, but I just wanted to give you a sense of what the colour looks like once it's dried on the nail.
This is what the colour looks like on the nails, once it has dried (a rubbish photo I know), to be honest, it doesn't look any different to the colour in the bottle, which is a plus side, it dries very quickly, and also, one coat seems to be enough. I'm impressed by the finish, it has a sheen to it, but it's not overly glossy which I think is a good quality in a nail polish.

I've worn this before, but only for about three days, and it hardly chipped in that time which is amazing. Depending on whether or not you used a top coat, it comes off relatively easily, but that's because I didn't use a top coat.

I hope you enjoyed this post despite the rubbish photography! I have plans to publish posts tonight (this one), tomorrow and Wednesday night as I will be very buy very busy over the next few days. I have also been working on a project that has been on going for nearly a week now and I'm really excited to publish a post about it on Wednesday (if you follow me on Twitter, you may have some idea as to what I was up to ;) ).

Right, that's enough rambling for one night, I will see you again tomorrow night with a brand new (more photo heavy) post for you all :)


I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.
